다음과 같이 예정된 세미나를 안내드립니다.
  • 발표자: 정영욱 박사, KDI
  • 날짜: 2024.10.16 (수요일), 05:00 PM ~ 06:30 PM
  • 장소: SK미래관 311
  • 주제Substitutability between prime-age and marginal-retirement-age workers
  • 홈페이지: https://youngwook24.github.io/


I would like to remind you of the following Economics seminar:

  • Speaker: Dr. Youngwook Jung, KDI
  • Time: 05:00 PM ~ 06:30 PM, Wednesday, October. 16, 2024
  • Venue: SK Future Hall #311
  • Title: Substitutability between prime-age and marginal-retirement-age workers
  • Homepage: https://youngwook24.github.io/